Stable Diffusion Gallery

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion Example Gallery

The galleries in this section are straight from Stable Diffusion. They are a small sample of the hundreds of ideations Stable Diffusion delivers. Each iteration took 15 seconds for my 3090ti to create.

Every image created by Stable Diffusion in this gallery has metadata that you can find using the PNG info tab.

I have also included the image I made in Blender. As you will notice the Blender image is just a relative guide to the final result.

Stable Diffusion gets updated and improved almost every month, these are called models and you can see which one I used under Model Hash.

Luxury SUV

Luxury suv, concept art, high detail, warm lighting, volumetric, godrays, vivid, beautiful, trending on artstation, by Jordan grimmer, art greg rutkowski
Steps: 150, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 30, Seed: 969374455, Size: 896x512, Model hash: 7460a6fa, Batch size: 8, Batch pos: 3, Denoising strength: 0.6, Mask blur: 4

Fusion Powered Environment Design

This was one of the first times I really tried to see if I could challenge myself to a design job. I pretended a Director asked me to come up with the design of a home in the far off future, in a new habitable planet. It will need to have a fusion reactor that is on a body of water for energy and water production. Then once I figured that out, I wanted to see what would happen, if the next day the script got changed to a fusion power plant, not a home. Just by changing two words I had hundreds of different iterations using the same image and set up.

Fusion Powered Home

Fusion Powered Generator

This is one of the more jaw dropping moments when I finally got good results. Most iterations are just as good as these. It seems to carry themes on both the building and the reactor. They are all unique in their own way. The really crazy part is I could run this image and prompt combination 10 billion times and each one would be different. Once you see more than 200 you can get a sense of the different types of design subsets, but each member is unique.

futuristic home on water, concept art, high detail, warm lighting, volumetric, godrays, vivid, beautiful, trending on artstation, by Jordan grimmer, art greg rutkowski
Steps: 150, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 30, Seed: 1468010808, Size: 896x512, Model hash: 7460a6fa, Batch size: 8, Batch pos: 2, Denoising strength: 0.5, Mask blur: 4

Futuristic Hatchback

a futuristic hatchback in a cyberpunk city, detailed, sci-fi, concept art , vincent di fate, john berkey,
Steps: 150, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 30, Seed: 2557389451, Size: 896x512, Model hash: 7460a6fa, Denoising strength: 0.41, Mask blur: 4

SUV in Downtown

SUV in downtown, concept art, high detail, warm lighting, volumetric, godrays, vivid, beautiful, trending on artstation, by Jordan grimmer, art greg rutkowski
Steps: 150, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 30, Seed: 788285035, Size: 832x512, Model hash: 7460a6fa, Batch size: 8, Batch pos: 4, Denoising strength: 0.65, Mask blur: 4

Abstract Painting of Electric SUV

Electric SUV, modern, muted background, paint brush strokes, pen, gouache, concept art, , greg rutkowski, Feng Zhu
Steps: 150, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 30, Seed: 3731754774, Size: 896x512, Model hash: 7460a6fa, Batch size: 8, Batch pos: 7, Denoising strength: 0.65, Mask blur: 4

Futuristic Super Car

a futuristic super car in a cyberpunk city, detailed, sci-fi art, starwars concept art, volumetric lighting, vincent di fate, john berkey
Steps: 150, Sampler: LMS, CFG scale: 30, Seed: 2532393608, Size: 960x512, Model hash: 7460a6fa, Batch size: 8, Batch pos: 3, Denoising strength: 0.64, Mask blur: 4

Cyber punk Muscle Car

Futuristic Muscle Car, muted background, paint brush strokes, pen, gouache, concept art, greg rutkowski, Feng Zhu
Negative prompt: humans
Steps: 150, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 30, Seed: 5414525629, Size: 896x512, Model hash: 7460a6fa, Denoising strength: 0.6, Mask blur: 4